just 4 fun
Sekuel ini lahir dari sebuah kisah dimana Harry Potter baru saja memasuki sekolah penyihir Hogwarts. Mas Harry yang masih kecil bin imut-imut masih sedikit trauma atas sebuah penyerangan perdana oleh salah satu antek Lord Voldemorts. Dimana pasca kejadian itu, ia tampak agak bingung... agak resah dan gelisah... sampai jadi kurang gizi! Tak ayal, kejadian ini pun mengundang rasa iba dari dua teman akrabnya Ron dan Hermione, plus dengan Mbah Dumbledore sang kepsek. Mereka mencoba mendekati dengan harapan Mas Harry curhat,tapi ternyata semua usaha itu gagal my friend! Mas Harry-nya tetap diam seribu bahasa, harus dicari jalan keluar agar dia bisa bahagia kembali.Banyak sekali cara yang telah dilakukan Ron, Hermione, Hagrid, Dumbledore, dkk untuk membuat Harry Potter tersenyum. Ron mengajaknya nonton film layar tancep dikeluarahan, tapi ternyata Harry Potter tidak suka film "Satria Bergitar"! Hermione dengan inner beauty-nya ngajak Harry pergi ke salon, eh... dia malah kabur gara-gara rambutnya mau dipotong mohawk! Hagrid juga gagal untuk mengangkutnya pergi lihat komodo (kata Mas Harry, Komodo sudah terancam tidak masuk nominasi keajaiban dunia). Apalagi Dumbledore, jangankan berhasil ngajak main catur... tuh anak malah ngabur lagi! Dia pergi ke warnet untuk main game online, cuy! So, Semua usaha dari mereka sia-sia! Lalu apalagi yang bisa membuat Mas Harry Potter ceria kembali???
Pikir punya pikir, analisis demi analisis pun dikeluarkan! Harry Potter harus bahagia, layaknya pasangan Anang dan Ashanti. Kemudian... akhirya Prof. Snape pun memberikan sebuah ide pada Dumbledore :"Mister, gini aja... suruh dia main Quidditch! Buka kejuaraannya, sapa tahu dia pengen jadi juara tahun ini!".Jawab Dumbledore :"Waduh, mancap juga ide lo! Ok deh cuy!" Naaah setelah ide itu disetujui, barulah pada akhirnya turnament Quidditch pun dimulai! Sampe-sampe Malfoy yang rada sentimen pun mengkel, dan menggerutu sinis. "Alah tuh bocah, broken heart aja kok pake bikin heboh satu sekolah sih!?!? Maklum brohters, Malfoy pada saat ini sedang tergila-gila dengan sinetron para remaja di TV.
Akhirnya, kejuaraan Quidditch pun dimulai! Semua asrama mulai dari Gryffindoor sampai Slytherin pun berkemas dan mempersiapkan jagoannya masing-masing! Tak terkecuali Harry Potter, dia harus ikut, karena tugasnya sebagai seorang seeker. Beruntung disaat itu tim dari Gryffindoor tidak sedang dilanda dilema peralihan kepemimpinan, sehingga proses pemilihan para atletnya menjadi tidak terganggu. Pertandingan pertama ini harusnya tidak disia-siakan dari para sahabat Harry Potter untuk mentrigger agar dia bisa menjadi normal kembali. Pertandingan pun dimulai, lalu terbanglah Harry dengan Nimbus 2000 kesayangannya itu!
Harry Potter dkk melesat! Orang-orang berteriak: "Gryffindoor selalu terdepan!". Lalu dibalas dari teriakan dari yang lain :"Slytherin memang tiada duanya!". Pertandingan itu berlangsung seru sampai para wartawan dari seluruh penjuru negeri sihir harus meliput! Mereka berharap akan menemukan aksi-aksi menarik di lapangan, tapi ternyata mereka mendapat pemandangan yang lebih menghebohkan dari itu. Mereka hampir tak percaya dengan apa yang mereka temukan. Di bangku penonton, persis daerah VVIP, ternyata telah duduk seseorang yang sangat jahat dan seharusnya berada di rutan Azkaban! Orang itu bernama Gajous Trantanz (tokoh baru)! Dia adalah seorang anak buah lainnya dari Lord Voldemort sekaligus anggota perkumpulan Death eaters. Ron dan Hermione pun ikut panik melihat orang ini, lalu mereka putuskan untuk pergi dari bangku penonton. Lalu bagaimana dengan Harry Potter? Celaka! Harry Potter terlihat kehabisan tenaga dalam permainan itu!
"Ron! Mampus deh, lo lihat kan!?! kenapa Gajous ada disini!?!"
"Bukan kali Her! Gajous itu rambutnya nggak panjang!"
"Goblok lu! Bisa aja dia pake rambut palsu! Mikir dong coy!"
Itulah perdebatan Ron dan Hermione sambil tergopoh-gopoh turun. Sementara itu, di lapangan Harry Potter nampak tersiksa dan hampir mati! Lalu Dumbledore juga tidak mau tinggal diam. Ia menyuruh panitia untuk menghentikan pertandingan, kemudian mempersiapkan untuk evakuasi penonton dan siapa saja yang hadir disana. Kepanikan terjadi, tapi berkat profesor Snape... semuanya berhasil ditenangkan dan Gajous pun hilang semerta-merta dari bangku peredaran!
"Snape! Coba elu cek, jangan-jangan Gajous lari ke kamar rahasia kita!!!"
"Busyet pak, emang kamar rahasia kita masih ada gitu? Bukannya udah dijual ke pihak asing!?!"
"Ya masih ada lah! Nggak semuanya kaleeee!"
Dumbledore dan Snape sedikit berdebat, tapi akhirnya hipotesis dari Dumbledore yang dipakai. Snape lari mencari Gajous, Dumbledore terbang menyelamatkan Harry Potter dari kecelakaan penerbangannya sendiri. Ia ingin membawa Harry ke rumah sakit, tapi urung. Dumbledore teringat kalau dia pernah mendapat kasus disaat mengklaim rumah sakit terdekat itu. Dumbledore pun lalu menggendong Harry Potter di atas bahunya, ia sudah tidak percaya lagi dengan kemanan dalam sekolahnya sendiri. "Banyak teroris, gila bener dah!"
Sementara Dumbledore sibuk mengurus Harry Potter, sudah sampai sejauh mana Gajous Trantanz lari? Ah! Lagi-lagi profesor Snape terlambat! Ternyata sang penjahat itu memang sudah lama sampai di kamar rahasia, dan ke-gape oleh Ron dan Hermione! Mereka sempat beradu sihir, uji mantra, sampai adu debat kusir bak hak interpelasi!Tidak lama Gajous pun tertangkap, maklum... sebelumnya ia hanya ditugaskan oleh Lord Voldemort untuk berbuat kejahatan didunia administrasi saja. Ron dan Hermione bertanya untuk apa ia masuk kesini, dan Gajous menjawab dengan mengacungkan sebuah buku yang ia peluk di dadanya ( wah ternyata buku itu berisi pencitraan dari Lord Voldemort untuk dimasukkan secara diam-diam di kurikulum!). Lalu, apakah Gajous memang dikirim jauh-jauh cuma untuk melakukan tugas kejahatan akademik saja? Tidak! Setelah Snape datang, ia memaksa Gajous untuk membuka mulut! Dengan proses interogasi darurat dan todongan tongkat sihir di depan matanya, Gajous takut! Ia Mengaku telah menyeludupkan sesuatu yang lain pada area dapur sekolah Hogwarts!
Fakta penyeludupan Gajous kembali membuat kaget! Ron dan Hermione akhirnya pergi dengan cepat menuju dapur, meninggalkan Snape dengan sang penjahat tersebut. Mereka membongkar apa saja yang mencurigakan disana, mulai dari peti es ikan dan bakso (kalau-kalau ada yang mengandung formalin), bungkusan harum manis (siapa tahu dimasukin pengawet dari bahan cat), sampai kardus-kardus mie (jangan-jangan ada kadar bahan kimia yang tidak bisa diolerir). Semua telah diperiksa, hasilnya negatif. Tapi Ron dan Hermione tidak berputus asa secepat itu. Ia teringat kalau harry Potter sering meminum susu akhir-akhir ini!
"Ron, coba deh elo bikin susu dari produk kemasan itu! Ntar gua yang mantrain!"
Hermione berteriak. Ia sangat yakin kalau susu kemasan yang ada disana-lah yang membuat kekacauan pada sahabatnya itu. Awalnya Ron tidak mau, tapi setelah dipaksa... Ron luluh juga. Ia membuat susu, dan Hermione memberi mantra, lalu apa yang mereka temukan!?!
"Bussyeeeet! Ini kan susu formula berbakteri!!! Jadi ini yang sering diminum mas Potter!?!"
Mereka berdua berteriak kaget. Bagaimana tidak? Siapa yang akan menyangka kalau di kandungan susu yang biasa mereka minum harus ada sesuatu yang merugikan didalamnya? Fakta ini lalu disampaikan kepada prof. Dumbledore, tapi Snape si ahli ramuan malah bingung dan membantah.
"Nggak mungkin! Gua udah periksa, dan susu ini sama sekali nggak mengandung bakteri kalau dipanaskan lewat dari 100 derajat celcius!"
"Yaaa kali-kali aja kita kecolongan, Gan! Emang gua yang salah, selama ini pengawasan makanan dan minuman nggak pernah ketat di sekolah ini!"
Dumbledore pun sama yakinnya dengan Ron dan Hermione. Snape juga dipaksa untuk ikut yakin, pasalnya susu tersebut memang telah dimanipulasi oleh Gajous Trantanz dan ditujukan khusus kepada Harry Potter. Mereka memang terkejut, tapi akhirnya lega. Karena kejadian ini berhasil diketahui secara cepat, dan ditangani oleh para pakar yang tepat, bersama dengan kepala sekolah yang jujur, adil, dan tegas! Akhirnya Harry Potter pun selamat, Gajous Trantanz dipenjara lagi, kemudian kepala penjara Azkaban dipecat dari posisinya.
Lalu apakah setelah kejadian ini Harry Potter benar-benar bisa ceria kembali seperti sedia kala? Ah tidak! Susu formula dalam kemasan yang berbakteri itu memang telah membuatnya lemah, tapi bukan penyebab dari semua yang terjadi. Setelah Harry Potter siuman, ia akhirnya mengakui sebuah rahasia yang lain kepada teman-teman dan para guru disana, mengapa ia harus murung seperti itu.
"Waduh, thanks banget semuanya ya... kalo soal kenapa gue murung... penyebabnya bukan susu yang sering gue minum! Satu-satunya penyebab kenapa gue jadi depresi adalah... kok bisa ya, film Holywood jadi nunggak bayar pajak distribusi!!!"
Jiaaaaaaah, jadi kembali ke persoalan pertama deh... parah!
Harry Potter and the Bacteria-formula MIlk
The End
Writed by : Adit Linkkar Al Imaji
continuation of "The Deadly Hallows" could not be enjoyed by lovers of cinema homeland. All right then, rather than
dizzy ... This is a short story from one of the sequel film Harry Potter, who was born through by my wild imagination.Coincides with the atmosphere of Harry Potter fans in Indonesia. So, do not miss! Read, and watch the movie later in youre imagine, hehehe
Harry Potter and Bacteria formula milk
The sequel is born from a story in which Harry Potter has just entered the wizard school of Hogwarts! Harrystill small and cute is still a bit traumatized over an initial attack by one of the minion of Lord Voldemorts. Where is the post-incident, he seemed a bit confused ... somewhat restless and agitated ... eventually become malnourished! No doubt, this incident was
invite compassion of two best friends, Ron and Hermione, and with Dumbledore the Principals. They try
approached in the hope that Harry vent, but it turns out all the effort failed my friend! Harry was still silent
language, they must find a way so that she can be happy again.
There are so many ways that have been done Ron, Hermione, Hagrid, Dumbledore, et al. to make Harry Potter smiled. Ron asked her to step on a movie screen in the village, but Harry Potter not like "Satria Bergitar" Film! Hermione with her inner beauty invites Harry to go to a salon, uh ... instead he fled because his hair would be cut Mohawk! Hagrid also failed to transport them to go see the Komodo dragon (Harry said, Komodo has threatened not nominated wonders world). Moreover, Dumbledore, far from managed to persuade it to play chess ... Harry escaped again went to the cafe to play the game online! All of their efforts in vain, my friend! So what else can make it more cheerful? Thought have thought, analysis by the analysis was issued! Harry Potter should be happy,like a pair Anang and Ashanti. Then ... ultimately Prof. Snape was on Dumbledore to give an idea: "Mister, tell him to play Quidditch! Open championship, who knows he wants to be champion this year! ". Answer Dumbledore:" Wow, your idea also steady! Ok! "Naaah after the idea was approved, then at the Quidditch tournament finally begins! So the sentiment Malfoy was a little upset, and grumbled sarcastically. "Argh kid, heartbreak's all up to make a scene one school hell!?!?
Understandably brohters, Malfoy is currently infatuated with the teenage soap opera on TV.
Finally, the Quidditch championship begins! All dormitories starting from Gryffindoor until Slytherin had packed and
prepare their respective champion! No exception Harry Potter, he must come, because his duties as a seeker.
Luckily at that team from Gryffindoor not being hit by the dilemma of leadership transition, so that the electoral process
athletes to be not disturbed. This first match should not be wasted from the friends of Harry Potter for
trigger so that he could be back to normal. The game was begun, then Harry flew with
Nimbus 2000, is the favorite!
"WUSSSH !!!!"
Harry Potter and his friends sped! People were shouting: "Gryffindoor stay ahead!". Then reply to the cries of the
Another: "Slytherin is second to none!". The match lasted cried until reporters from all over the country
magic must be covered! They hope to find interesting actions on the field, but it turns out they got a view
more horrendous than that! They almost could not believe what they found. In the stands, just the area
VVIP, it has sat someone very evil and should be in the crease of Azkaban! The man was named Gajous
Trantanz (new character), he is a minion of Lord Voldemort at the same time other members of the assembly Death eaters. Ron
and Hermione, too panicked to see this person, then they decided to go from the stands. Then how about
Harry Potter? Alas! Harry Potter looked exhausted in the game.
"Ron! we die, you see it!?! why Gajous is here!?!"
"Not maybe! Gajous was not long hair!"
"Stupid! could have him wear a wig! Thinking my friend!"
That debate Ron and Hermione, hurrying down. Meanwhile, Harry Potter appears in the field
tortured and almost died! Then Dumbledore did not want to stay silent. He told the committee to stop the match,
then prepare for the evacuation of spectators and anyone who was there. The panic occurred, but thanks to professor
Snape ... all were successfully sedated and Gajous suddenly disappeared from the stands!
"Snape! Try your check, Gajous lest we run into the chamber of secrets!"
"come on sir, do we still have a secret room? Not already sold to foreigners!?!"
"Yes there is! Not all of them!"
Dumbledore and Snape had a little debate, but ultimately used the hypothesis of Dumbledore. Snape's run for
Gajous, Dumbledore flying save Harry Potter from the accident flight itself. He wanted to bring Harry home
sick, but nevertheless. Dumbledore thought if he ever gets the case when claiming that the nearest hospital. Dumbledore
Harry Potter was then carried on his shoulders, he was no longer trusted with the security in their own school.
"Many terrorists, really mad!"
While Dumbledore is busy taking care of Harry Potter, is to what extent Gajous Trantanz run? Ah! Again
Professor Snape's too late! It turns out the villain that was already long until the secret room, and caught by Ron and
Hermione! They had collided magic, spells fight, until the race debate such as the right of interpellation! Not too long Gajous caught, knowing ... previously he was only commissioned by Lord Voldemort to do evil in the world of administration only.Ron and Hermione what he had asked to come in here, and Gajous answered by brandishing a book that he embraced in
chest (it turns out that the book contains imagery of Lord Voldemort to be included in secret in the school curriculum).
Then, if Gajous was sent all the way just to do the job just academic crime? No! After Snape came,
he forced Gajous to open your mouth! With emergency and robbery interrogation wand in front of his eyes, Gajous
scared! Claiming he had to smuggle something else at the Hogwarts school kitchen area!
Facts smuggling Gajous back makes surprise! Ron and Hermione finally went quickly toward the kitchen,
Snape left along with the conmen. They dismantle anything suspicious there, ranging from ice chests
fish and meat balls (in case something containing formalin), sweetly fragrant package (who knows inserted preservative of materials paint), until the boxes of noodles (lest there are levels of chemicals that can not tolerate). All have been inspected,negative results. But Ron and Hermione do not despair that fast. He recalled that Harry Potter's often drank milk
"Ron, you try to make milk from the product packaging that! later gave me a mantra!"
Hermione screamed. He is very confident that the milk that was there was the one who wreaks havoc on his friend
it. At first Ron did not want to, but after being forced ... Ron yield. He made the milk, and Hermione gave a spell, then what they find!?!"Oh Gooood! It's a formula Germy! So this is often taken from Potter!?!"
They both cried out in surprise. How could I not? Who would have thought that the content of their usual milk
drinking should something harmful in it? This fact is then submitted to prof. Dumbledore, but Snape's expert
potion even confused and denied.
"No way! I already check, and it did not even milk contain bacteria that are heated from 100 through
degrees celcius! "
"Yaaaai maybe we missed, fellas! Indeed I was wrong, so far the supervision of food and beverages not
never strict at this school! "
Dumbledore was just as confident with Ron and Hermione. Snape was also forced to go sure, the problem is the milk
indeed been manipulated by Gajous Trantanz and devoted exclusively to Harry Potter. They were surprised, but
finally relieved. Because these events were discovered quickly, and handled by appropriate experts, together with
principal who is honest, fair and firm! Finally, Harry Potter was safe, Gajous Trantanz jailed again, then
Azkaban prison chief was fired from his position.
Then if after this Harry Potter could really cheer again as usual? Ah no! Milk
Germy the formula in packaging that had indeed been made weak, but not the cause of all that happened. After
Harry Potter conscious, he finally admitted a another secret to their friends and teachers there, why he should
moody like that.
"Wow, thanks ... if ya really all about why I'm depressed ... cause is not that often I drink milk!
The only reason why I was so depressed ... how come, so Hollywood film distribution owe taxes! "
Geeees, soback the first question ... What kind of story!?!
Harry Potter and Bacteria formula milk
The End
Adit Linkkar Al Imaji
The End
Adit Linkkar Al Imaji
Hahaha.. Good. Very good! Nanti cerita ini akan aku share ke temen2 Potter yg lain.
Thank you Gan. Dapet salam dari Profesor Snape yang sedang bikin ramuan sehat tanpa susu formula berbakteri. hehehe
Ceritanya Keren :D .
terima kasih Nurul Aini ATH, mudah-mudahan Mbah Dumbledore nggak teledore lagi. hehehe
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