Disaat Film Hollywood dilarang beredar dan diputar di bioskop-bioskop tanah air, banyak orang yang marah dan berpikir : "Akan jadi apa nantinya kualitas dunia perfilman kita ini!?!" Jangan khawatir, menurut saya... mungkin film-film ini akan cukup menghibur.
While Hollywood films were banned and screened in cinemas homeland, many people are angry and think: "What will the future quality of our film industry!?!" Do not worry, in my opinion ... These films may be quite entertaining.
Genre : Drama comedy
Irsan Jatim, dan Gondronges adalah nama mereka. Dua orang ini adalah pindahan dari kecamatan luar, jago main bola, dan sudah terkenal di kampung masing-masing! Seharusnya Murdin senang dan mampu memanfaatkan kekuatan mereka untuk mencapai keberhasilan yang tak pernah ia raih. Tapi sayang, bukan Murdin kalau tidak pelit! Dia pun sengaja tidak memilih Irsan Jatim untuk tampil di kelurahan menemani Gondronges. karena sebelumnya Irsan Jatim pernah bermain untuk sebuah kampung yang akan menjadi saingan mereka! Akhirnya dengan keputusan yang kontroversial tersebut, kampung Murdin Pelit kalah lagi!
Murdin Pelit pun menjadi bahan cercaan, dan seluruh kampung memaksa agar ia turun dari kursi panas pelatih! Celakanya, Murdin malah membandel! Ia tidak mau melepaskan jabatan, dan bahkan berencana untuk menjadi pelatih kesebelasan kampung itu seumur hidupnya!
Akankah cerita dan prestasi Murdin Pelit yang nihil itu masih akan berlanjut? Tunggu saja peredaran Film yang satu ini (sampai kapanpun dan dimanapun).
This film tells the story of a man named Murdin Pelit. Murdin Pelit is a coach at a football club who have never even won the prestigious trophy between the village! At first, people do still understand why they neverwin the championship. The lack of talent, and poor field where training is the reason that makes sense (at that time). Villagers are not too complicate, until everything changed when came two new residents .
Irsan Jatim, and Gondronges is their name. Two of these
is moving from outside the district, playing good ball, and already
renowned in their respective villages! Should Murdin happy and able to utilize their strengths to achieve success he never achieved. But unfortunately, not Murdin if not stingy! He also deliberately did not choose Irsan Java to perform at the village accompany Gondronges. because previous Irsan played for a village that would become their rivals! Finally with a controversial decision, the village and club Murdin Pelit lost again! Murdin Pelit was the subject of insults, and the whole village insisted that he got off the hot seat trainer! Unfortunately, Murdin even naughty! He refused to release the title, and even plans to become coach of teams that village all his life!
Will the story and accomplishments are nil Murdin Pelit was still will continue? Just wait for this one film circulation (up to whenever and wherever) .
Genre : Drama musical.

Dikisahkan, ada dua orang penari seksi nan bohay yang eksentrik dan selalu menyita perhatian para lelaki hidung belang. Pada awalnya mereka bersahabat dengan baik. Satu bernama Juli Pesek (jupe), satunya lagu bernama Dwi Berisik (DeBe). Suatu hari dua penari ini terlibat pertikaian besar. Peristiwa itu terjadi disebuah panggung saat mereka tengah bekerja. Jupe menegur Debe yang terlambat datang lantaran sempat mengantar seorang om-om. Debe tersinggung, dan membalas dengan cara menyindir kedekatan Jupe pada seorang tante-tante.Akhirnya Jupe dan Debe yang semula suap-suapan, kini harus 0bertukar cakar dengan sengit. Masalah pun malah makin meruncing disaat Debe melaporkan Jupe ke polisi, dan sebaliknya. Kehidupan persahabatn yang penuh warna itu terancam musnah, berganti dengan saling tuding disana-sini.
Akankan Dwi Berisik dan Juli Pesek kembali bergoyang seperti semula? Tarik maaaaaaaaaaang!
It is said, there are two sexy dancers are eccentric and always seize the attention of male philanderer. At first they were friends with the good. One named July Pesek (jupe), and the other named Dwi Berisik (Debe). One day these two dancers involved great strife. It happened at a stage when they were working. Jupe angry with Debe he was late arriving due to deliver a nasty man. Debe offended, and replied with a sarcastic way Jupe proximity to a lesbian. Finally Jupe and Debe-bribery bribes previously, must now be exchanged with fierce claws. The problem was even more pointed when Debe Jupe reported to the police, and vice versa. The colorful life of friendship is threatened destroyed, replaced by recriminations here and there.
Will Dwi Berisik and July Pesek back swaying like before?
Genre : Action
polisi yang bernama Sukro Jumanji dalam mengejar seorang buronan kelas ikan pedang bernama Jayus Tampan! Ia adalah seorang pembajak yang telah meneror kantor perpajakan di berbagai daerah di Indonesia. Awalnya penyergapan Sukro memang berhasil memasukkan Jayus ke rumah tahanan, tapi apa mau dikata.. dua minggu setelah itu ia mendapatkan
kabar bahwa Jayus kabur ke Bali! Sukro mengejarnya ke Bali, tapi ternyata disana ia mendapatkan informasi kalau Jayus sudah pergi ke Thailand! Disanalah petualangan dimulai, dan apakah Sukro Jumanji mampu menangkap dan memenjarakan Jayus Tampan???
A film that will peel the persistence of a member Police named Sukro Jumanji in the pursuit of a fugitive class swordfish named Jayus Charming! He is a pirate who had terrorized the tax offices in various regions in Indonesia. Originally ambush Sukro indeed managed to fit Jayus into house arrest, but what can I say .. two weeks after that he got news that Jayus fled to Bali! Sukro chase into Bali, but it was there he was informed that Jayus had gone toThailand! That is where the adventure begins, and whether Sukro Jumanji able to capture and imprison JayusCharming?
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di Bioskop 20+1!
Adit Linkkar Al Imaji
All reviews are the result of mere imagination,
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The Cinema 20 +1!
Adit Linkkar Al Imaji
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